
Design and manufacturing of DC power supply for ED coating systems

Design and manufacturing of DC power supply for ED coating systems

Design and manufacturing of DC power supply for ED coating systems

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ED coating is an excellent choice for the automotive industry, providing a range of benefits that help improve the performance, durability, and appearance of automotive parts and components.

17 Jan 1402

ED coating is an excellent choice for the automotive industry, providing a range of benefits that help improve the performance, durability, and appearance of automotive parts and components.

The Electrodeposition process combines the advantages of high corrosion resistance with those of a uniform deposition of the protective coat on metal parts of complex shapes.

While the corrosion resistance is achieved by the application of an organic coating, the electric power supplied by our ED rectifiers makes it possible to coat even extremely difficult areas.

Our ED rectifiers are specially designed to the needs of ED processes and thus provide the required high DC quality, special control characteristics and the reliability needed for successfully operating the process.

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